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Stories about self development | How did I get rid of my loneliness

Stories about self development | How did I get rid of my loneliness
Stories about self development | How did I get rid of my loneliness? I am Evan. A resident of Wellington, New Zealand. A bit introverted. Always lonely. I had a good friend, but we separated for a reason that I will mention later, but now I do not have friends. I don't see anyone all day because I'm at home.... The reason for my introversion was a girl I loved and she loved me. But she cheated on me with my only friend whom I considered a brother and a friend of mine. They were with me all day, but they missed me for 4 days straight. I looked for them everywhere and then I found them together while he was holding her hand while she was laughing. And when they saw me, my friend liked me and left my girlfriend alone And since that day I live alone. And I spent my day crying to the point of breaking down. And I got addicted to alcohol to be able to sleep and I have very difficult days in which I do not have money to buy alcohol and sometimes I think of suicide because I suffer a lot... Days, weeks, and months went by in this state. And one day my friend called me. And I gained the strength to shout at him. And blame him. Why did you betray me and why and why and why. Many questions he could not answer. Then he began to regret and cry In these short minutes I replayed the tape of my life since I was depressed to this moment. I gained my confidence. At the same time, I did not think of revenge, although revenge is very easy. The next morning I started working and earned a lot of money. I bought a new phone and threw the phone with all my bad memories in the trash. From here I restore my beautiful life away from sadness. And worries. And depression. And I traveled to Germany to settle and stay away from my life, which I did not see any benefit in. In Germany, she studied for a doctorate in Psychology. And I liked a beautiful girl who attended. She studies with me, but I am ashamed to exchange her with her. She started by asking a little silly what she wanted to be in the future. She laughed and said I became what I am now. And after I graduated, I told her about my admiration for her. She also told me that she liked me but was afraid to tell me. I hugged her. And after weeks, we started our married life together, away from infidelity. My message to everyone who read my career think three times before you do something because if you don't think you may regret a little or get depressed from indifference I hope you take a lesson from me, I am the best example of failed love relationships.
